Educational Resources - Dorothea Mitchell's Writings
Note that some expectations are listed here that would be present in most
units/writing activities throughout the Grade 10 or 11 courses on an ongoing,
cumulative basis. These objectives are indicated with a *; there would not
be instructional time assigned to introducing this particular objective; it
would have been presented previously in the course and would occur here as
reinforcement or practice.
It is also assumed that students would have worked in groups before in the
course, and would know how to assign roles, use a variety of group techniques,
and collaborate. Other skills in assessing websites critically would have been
developed as well by this point in the course.
Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Literature Studies and Reading
- Describe information, ideas, opinions and themes in print and
electronic texts they have read during the year from different cultures
and historical periods and in a range of genres
- Select and use a variety of reading strategies before, during and
after reading to understand texts *
- Use relevant, significant and explicit information and ideas
from texts to support interpretations *
- Analyze information, ideas, and elements in texts and synthesize
and communicate their findings *
- Explain how historical or cultural contexts shape the information
and ideas in a text
- Use knowledge of elements of the novel and cultural and historical
context of a novel to understand and interpret examples of the genre
- Explain how authors use stylistic devices, and design elements
to help communicate ideas *
Writing(see pages 30-31 in Ontario English Curriculum, 1999)
Organize ideas and information in written work, revising drafts,
editing, proofreading and publishing, apply spelling, punctuation, grammar
and usage *
Locate and summarize information and ideas from print and electronic
sources, including interviews, surveys, statistical data banks, reports, periodicals,
and newsgroups (e.g., conduct an electronic search for information on regional
Canadian authors; summarize and paraphrase information and ideas in point-form
notes and in graphic organizers) *
Produce written work for a variety of purposes, with a focus on interpreting
and analysing information, ideas, themes, and issues and supporting opinions
with convincing evidence (e.g., state and support an opinion; compare and contrast
the treatment of similar themes in two different works; explain how the images
or setting in a work of fiction contribute to the overall theme) *
revise drafts to ensure that ideas are adequately supported by relevant
details and facts and to achieve clarity, unity, and coherence *
make constructive suggestions to peers in a writing conference (e.g.,
identify ways to address problems of control in writing such as redundancies
or inappropriate level of language; create checklists based on established
criteria and use them when discussing a piece of writing); *
Consider reactions of teachers, peers, and others in revising and
editing written work. *
Edit and proofread their own and others’ writing, correcting errors
according to the requirements for grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation
as per the Grade 10 Ontario Curriculum Guidelines. *
Grammar and Usage
Use parts of speech correctly, including the infinitive and the gerund
construct a variety of complete and correct sentences (including
compound-complex sentences), using prepositional, adjective, and adverb phrases;
infinitive, participial, and gerund phrases; and noun, adjective, and adverb
clauses; *
use verb voice (i.e., active and passive) to suit purpose and audience;
Use knowledge of a wide range of spelling patterns, rules, and strategies
to analyse and correct spelling errors; *
Spell specific historical, academic, and technical terms correctly;
Use a variety of resources to correct errors in spelling (e.g., dictionaries,
spell checkers); *
Use punctuation correctly, including the semicolon (e.g., use the
semicolon to join principal clauses and to separate elements in a list that
contains commas); *
Use the comma, dash, and parentheses correctly to set off non-restrictive
elements in a sentence; *
Use punctuation correctly when quoting short passages from texts.
Developing Vocabulary and Knowledge of Language Structures and Conventions
Identify examples of the use of idioms, euphemisms, slang, dialect,
acronyms, academic language, technical terms, and standard Canadian English
in oral and written work, and explain why the usage is effective in its context;
Identify ways in which technology, other languages, and the media
have influenced the English language (e.g., explain when and why particular
nouns and verbs entered the language, both in earlier centuries and in recent
years; give examples of technical terms and media phrases used in a variety
of contexts);
Select words and figurative expressions with understanding and sensitivity
to enhance the persuasive or expressive power of their speech and writing (e.g.,
select words and phrases for their sound and rhythm in a speech;
Developing Listening and Speaking Skills
Communicate orally in group discussions for different purposes, with
a focus on identifying explicit and implicit ideas and comparing and contrasting
key concepts and supporting details; *
Communicate in group discussions by assigning tasks fairly and equitably;
using verbal and non-verbal cues to signal a change in topic or speaker; contributing
ideas, supporting interpretations and viewpoints; *
Extending and questioning the ideas of others; summarizing the progress
of the group’s work; checking for understanding; and negotiating consensus
when appropriate; *
Apply techniques of effective listening and demonstrate an understanding
of oral presentations by summarizing presenters’ arguments and explaining
how vocabulary, body language, tone, and visual aids *
Enhance presentations (e.g., make and confirm or revise predictions;
identify the purposes and perspective of a presentation;
Plan and make oral presentations independently, adapting vocabulary
and using methods of delivery to suit audience, purpose, and topic (e.g., identify
purpose and audience; gather ideas and information;
Media Studies
Demonstrate critical thinking skills by identifying the differences
between explicit and implicit messages in media works *
Identify key elements and techniques used to create media works in
a variety of forms and analyse how these elements and techniques contribute
to the theme or message *