In Lesson One, students will be introduced to the Lady Lumberjack website
and the person of Dorothea Mitchell through the review of a biographical online
filmstrip and a Web quest.
extending and questioning the ideas of others; summarizing the progress
of the group’s work; checking for understanding; and negotiating consensus
when appropriate; *
Instructional Methodologies
Part A
1. In the computer lab, divide the students into pairs to complete the activity.
2. Distribute the Web Quest pages; students will work together to complete
the assignment.
3. After 20 minutes, correct the Web Quest Part A as a large group.
Part B
1. Ask students in pairs to generate 2-4 questions they would like to know
more about based on the filmstrip. They may want to find out more about Dorothea
Mitchell, life in Thunder Bay during the 1920’s, or silent film.
2. By questioning and prompting students with points from the filmstrip, ensure
that the following topics are assigned:
· historical context (Canada in the 1900’s, immigration, history
of Thunder Bay)
· role of women in 1900 as pioneers
· homesteading in Canada
· industry
· history of silent film in Canada
3. Assign each pair of students a topic or question for exploration from Part
B. Students will have 20-30 minutes to search for information online, complete
their assignment and prepare a graphic organizer for use during an oral presentation
to the class. Students will have to cite at least 3 sources.
Warning: Some of the movie websites have information
that is mature in content; you may want to direct students to specific sites.
Pacing/Time Management
20 min. Dorothea Mitchell Web Quest Part A
10 min. Class completion of Web Quest.
40 min. Dorothea Mitchell Web Quest Part B
5 min. Students complete research and make plans to organize and report for
next class.
Total: 75 minutes
Assessment/Evaluation tactics
Part A - (Summative) Unit Test
Part B - (Summative) Web Quest Report and Graphic
Organizer – see Rubric
in Appendix.
1 computer with Internet access for each pair of students.
Access to website:
Access to search engine (school-approved) and other historical and silent film
Lady Lumberjack Web Quest
Part A
Name ____________________
Go to
From the homepage, select Dorothea Mitchell Biography.
Read through the text and view the Lady Lumberjack filmstrip. Complete the
following questions.
1. Why did Dorothea Mitchell come to Canada? To Silver Mountain? To Thunder
2. List Dorothea Mitchell’s careers or jobs.
3. What technologies were available to Dorothea during her lifetime?
4. Dorothea Mitchell was a pioneer in many ways. List some of the “firsts” that
she had:
5. What were some of the difficulties she faced during her life as a pioneer?
6. Consider Dorothea Mitchell’s life as a woman homesteader, lumberboss
and businesswoman in the 1920’s and 30’s. Who were her workers
and helpers?
7. What economic and historical events affected Dorothea’s work and
8. What did Dorothea consider to be major accomplishments in her life?
9. How are historical facts, original photos and drawings incorporated into
the filmstrip?
Lady Lumberjack Web Quest
Part B
My Topics for Exploration:
Suggested Websites:
The Lady Lumberjack Website:
1. The Port Arthur Amateur Cinema Society
2. The Fatal Flower Project
3. A Race for Ties
4. Silent Film
Other related websites:
Brief History of Thunder Bay, focusing on post-1900’s.
Mary Pickford, Canadian Silent Film Actress
History of Film in Canada/Canadian Filmmaking
Web Search Engines: