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Dorothea Mitchell's Silent Films
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The purpose of these pages is to allow students to experience how silent films were made, from start to finish, during the 1920’s, in Canada. Aspects of early film making in Canada are examined, with specific examples from the works of filmmaker Dorothea Mitchell and the Port Arthur Amateur Cinema Society.
About the Activities
Each activity includes a description of various aspects of early film making. This is followed by a list of activities for students to complete. Generally, these activities involve the following:
- Specific focus on the films of Dorothea Mitchell and the Lakehead Amateur Film Society; these allow the student to explore early filmmaking in Canada and general concepts of silent moviemaking.
- General activities that can be used by students to analyze early silent movies; you can select almost any silent movie from the period 1910-1930 to complete these. Students can work individually or in groups. These activities require approximately 2 hours to complete, depending upon the length of the movie you choose.
- Creation of a silent movie by a group of students. It is recommended that if your class completes these activities, video cameras and digital editing are required. It is recommended that you plan 7-10 90 minute sessions to complete this project, although a shortened film project could be completed in less time.
Teachers may choose to complete a few of these activities with their students, or to have the students complete the overall project of making a silent film.
Click on Elementary (Grades 4-8) or Secondary (Grades 9-12) to view activities that are appropriate for your students.