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Home > Educational Resources > DM Writings >Possible Adaptation for Special-Needs Pupils
Educational Resources - Dorothea Mitchell's Writings
Possible Adaptation for Special-Needs Pupils

IEPs may be required for those who need more time, who require organizational assistance, who have difficulty reading online. Other adaptations may be required based on needs of individual students. Additional adaptations may include:

  • using videotapes or audiotapes to record compositions instead of writing
  • working with a partner to organize work, or to check understanding of assignment
  • using screen-reader software to explore websites
  • using a keyboard or tape recorder to record group notes

  • Specific Expectations
    Possible Adaptation for Special-Needs Pupils
    Resources / Aids

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    Home | About |  Credits
    Dorothea Mitchell Biography
    Canada's First Amateur Feature-Length Film: A Race for Ties
    Port Arthur Amateur Cinema Society
    The Fatal Flower Project | Educational Resources